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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: Golden Palomino, Ranch Horse Deluxe, Family Safe! #190309
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid At Auction
City: Weatherford [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name: Platinum Equine Auction
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.2
Weight: 1150
Color: Palomino
Registered With: NA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,
Date Foaled: 1-1-2013
Phone#: 2146057174

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"Cheesy” - 15.2H, 11 year old palomino quarter horse gelding. This is one of the kind-est, most uncomplicated, and solid geldings we have gotten ahold of this fall. He is absolutely GORGEOUS, big boned, tall, and as thick as they make them. If you are looking to mount some big people, but don’t want to go the draft cross route - then don’t look past cheesy! He is as easy to operate as they come, he is naturally low headed, and he has incredibly smooth gaits. You can pitch him away one handed and lope off with a drink in your hand if you want to - and you don’t have to be a great horseman to do it smoothly on Cheesy! He is naturally balanced, very easy to ride, not lazy, but in no hurry and not remotely hot either. If his rider is timid or nervous, Cheesy feels it and he just creeps along as slow as he can go. If his rider gets unbalanced and gets to leaning or bouncing, he literally steps underneath you, even when he is traveling at a trot or a lope! He is very easy to navigate around with one hand, and very simple to move up into a trot and a lope. He stops on a dime, but not so hard that it will throw anyone overboard either! He is an easy keeper, has great big hard feet, and is as low maintenance of a horse as you could buy. He has been there and done that and seen that, and is the same horse daily or once a year. He lives out with a pen of geldings right now, but he is happy kept up in a stall, he loves the extra attention and to be spoiled. He just had front shoes done last week, and had his teeth done by an equine dentist last month! His age isn’t just a bunch of us guessing, its been verified by 2 equine dentists, 2 vets, and also off of his history. He is the perfect age, and checks all the boxes of what everyone is looking for. He has also been used in the turn back pen, has been roped off of extensively, used on a ranch, and he knows what the barrels and the poles are (though he isn’t very fast!) - and has been ridden English at the low levels! We are headed to an entry level local holiday jumper show with him ourselves soon! He loves to go to town, is exceptionally good in traffic and commotion (he literally will take a nap in the middle of it!) and he will be a first pick when we load up to go to the upcoming holiday parades! Please call anytime for more information Buster Horses Ashley 214-605-7174 Cheesy is located in Weatherford,


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends December 1st, 2024

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