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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Finished and Experienced Registered Female Australian Kelpie #189908
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Posted by: GroundedL&L [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1,500.00
City: Petaluma [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Kelpie
Age: 5+
Sex: F
Temperment: Calm
Size: 33lbs
Phone #: 619-818-7669

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Our lovely girl Liz is looking for a new home. We had a litter of puppies and have new dogs coming on and need to make space in our kennels. Liz is a little over 5 years old and has worked mostly cattle from 20 head to 1300 head. She is light on her feet, good at rating stock and does not have too much power that would get a handler in trouble. However she can bite if she needs to, dig in and clean up corners in pens and generate movement on broke cattle or smaller stock. She was trained on goats and sheep and has recently done well in the field on smaller ruminates. She balances well, has strong eye. She is mostly used to working off the physical position of a handler. She generally knows her directions if started running in the right direction. She has a sit and load up on her, but not a down. Her sit functions as a down. She is and has been healthy, has a ton of endurance, and has seen a lot of different scenarios. I think she would thrive with small ruminates but can be a great cattle dog as well. However I would not rely on her to move rangy non dog broke cattle by herself. She can be part of a team for that work, but not solo. We are asking $1500.

Posted 11-07-24
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