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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: Aussie Male - Slash V and Boyd Ranch Bred SOLD #189860
Posted by: Wilcojo [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $500.00
City: Tuscola [see other ads in this city]
State: Illinois [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Age: 8m
Sex: M
Temperment: Moderate
Size: Small
Phone #: 7193545645

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Our family is currently looking to rehome our dog Hugo, a 7 month old Australian Shepard Dog. He is Slash V X Boyd Ranch Bred. You can research his sire on Boyd ranch Aussies.

Hugo is a loving, faithful, energetic canine who has been part of our home since he was 6 weeks old. He has come along way with being house broken, crate trained and manners.

He is smart, obedient, super attentive to his human family members, and protective of the people he knows and loves. He loves to play games, earn treats, run around and catch and retrieve, but most importantly he is herding, he herds.

Against our breeders wishes because they are natural herd cattle dogs and he comes from a long line of working animals. We had the breeders agree to try and house break him for an inside dog. Without knowing the desires he strives for. Hugo wants to herd, he wants to be outside on a farm running. His bloodline are great minded cow dogs. They are able to figure out what way they are moving cattle without direction and commands.

He was breed for natural herding ability, sound minds, structure, train ability, livestock sense, and great dispositions. This breed can track and have enough grit to gather wild brushy cattle. They will also switch gears and quietly bring in pairs with small calves.

Due to the amount of drive he has from his bloodline we are seeking a farm for hugo. He is ready to tackle any training. He is beyond a phenomnal farm dog. We just arent ranchers. Please help me find him a loving ranch to call home. He is such an amazing animal.
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