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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Bred Heifers for Sale: 8 - Purebred Angus Bred Heifers - Montana #189753
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Posted by: Sadie Ward [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3,000.00
City: Lewistown [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 8
Age : 2
Weight: 950
Frame: 6
Vaccinations: Virasheild 6 VL5HV
Horns: No
Bred To: Easy Decision and Wolverine
Start Calving: April
Sell Part or All: All
Phone #: 406-928-9308

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8 AI bred commercial heifers from registered stock to Easy Decision and Wolverine.

Pregchecked 4 AI for April 1st-20th and 4 Live service (Dimond Dot Bulls) April 21st-May 30th.

They come from a pure bred angus cows using Rainfall, Load Up, and Connelly genetics. Have 10 generations of their mamas still in production, low birth wieght, great mothers, easy fleshing, run in big country.

Call (406)928-9308

Posted 11-02-24
923 visitors have viewed this ad

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