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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Walters - Livestock Water and Ice Prevention Systems

Bred Heifers for Sale: 99 hd 2 yr old Black Angus Bred Heifers-Nebraska #189431
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Posted by: willranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3,250/hd
City: Bayard [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 99
Age : 2 yr old’s
Weight: 975-1000
Vaccinations: Virashield 6 VL5, also the Scourguard shot and poured with Ivermec.
Bred To: Sons of Duke- Millar Angus
Start Calving: 3/20/25-5/20/25
Sell Part or All: Truck load Qty or all
Phone #: 3076804595

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Lot BH1023D

Registered- Blk Angus-Coming 2’s- Calve March 20th! Mid-January shipping!

Okay- you was looking for that set of Registered bred heifers? Right here- 1 iron, home raised and you can either pay an extra $250 and have them registered or buy them and use the quality they are built with in your commercial cow herd, either way-you’re gonna love what these girls have to offer ya. They are bred to Sons of Duke from the Millar Angus program and will calve March 20th for 60 days. They have had the Virashield 6 VL5, also the Scourguard shot and poured with Ivermec. A current body condition score of a +5 and excellent disposition. Lets contract these now and you don’t have to take delivery till mid January!

Total Hd: 99

Cattle Breed: Black Angus

Cattle Age: 2

Calving Date: 3/20/2025-5/20/2025

Bull Info: Sons of Duke- Millar Angus

Cow Weight: 975-1000

Home Raised: Yes

Disposition: Very Gentle

Program: Virashield 6 VL5, also the Scourguard shot and poured with Ivermec.

Located near Bayard, NE.

Buy Now For $3250/hd

Don’t need the whole group? Call us about buying load lots!
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