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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand - Montana #188483
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Posted by: PJ [see other ads by this poster]
City: Fort Shaw [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: ranch hand
Employer: Philip Johnson
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: yes
Phone #: 406-799-1334

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Are you looking for a ranch position with a family ranch? Lifetime ranchers and horse people willing to teach and mentor. However you must have ambition and a good work ethic and be used to physical work. Being able to run equipment is a plus. We run cow/calf/yearling with emphasis on horses. Central Montana. Wages depending on experience. Email or call or text 406-799-1334

Posted 10-03-24
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