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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: 13.2H Ranch Pony, Family Safe, Does it ALL! #187698
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid At Auction
City: Stephenville [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name: Platinum Equine Auction
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 13.2
Weight: 1000
Color: Roan
Registered With: NA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,
Date Foaled: 1-1-2011
Phone#: 6618179120

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Juicebox is an amazing once in a lifetime pony !! And gorgeous to boot! He is the prime age of 13 years old and standing 13.2 hds tall . He is a flashy red dun appaloosa gelding . If you looked up the definition of a true all around pony his name would pop up every time. There isn’t anything he hasn’t seen or done . Juicebox rides english and western , has done ranch work , roped the breakaway dummy on , runs the barrels and poles , has jumped small cross rail jumps , and goes down the trail like a seasoned veteran every time . He is one that the WHOLE family can enjoy and be absolutely safe on . He’s big enough for even the adults to ride and have fun on. Juicebox has had a TON of training which makes him the fancy riding pony he is . Absolutely nothing bothers this guy at all . Take him out to check the cattle and fences on . He has been rode on all kinds of trails including right down the busy bricks of Exchange Ave at the world renowned Fort Worth Stockyards with traffic , crowds of people , horse carriages, longhorns , loud music and plenty of other distractions. He’s always a town favorite getting all the attention because he’s absolutely perfect ! Juicebox has seen many nights of over night camping trips in the mountains, he’s been down miles and miles of trails at the National Parks from rough steep terrain to the flat grasslands he handles it all with ease all while keeping his rider safe . He will ride right into the river every time with zero hesitation, he will cross bridges and logs. In the arena he’s just as perfect he neck reins the very best , he breaks at the poll, he will walk, trot and lope beautiful circles all day long . He’s absolutely a kids dream pony to take to the 4H shows or even do the drill team on or go to the jr rodeos, he packs a flag with no issues at all. Ones like Juicebox are hard to come by and you will drive the wheels off your truck searching for one like him, he’s that once in a lifetime unicorn that you don’t want to miss . He is perfect for any level rider including the brand new beginner horse lover. His size is absolutely perfect for the smaller kids and does not intimidate them. He stands like a perfect gentleman for bathes , easy to tack up and bridle. He stands to be clipped and groomed, loads in and out of the trailer. Juicebox is the sweetest boy that’s always in your pocket loving all the attention and cookies. Contact us to come try him, or we can set up a FaceTime also. If you need help with transport don’t hesitate to ask we have a list of reputable haulers that can get him safely to your doorstep world wide. Located in Stephenville, TX. Contact M $ Performance Horses Michelle 661-817-9120


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends September 29th, 2024

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