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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Saddles for Sale: 15 1/2 inch Jimmy Orr Wade Saddle #187162
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Posted by: SmithShantal [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Good
Price: $4,000.00
City: Snohomish [see other ads in this city]
State: Washington [see other ads in this state]
Maker: Jimmy Orr
Style: Wade
Seat Size: 15.5
New or Used: Used
Phone #: 623-680-5465

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15.5 inch seat handmade Jimmy Orr of Sask, Canada

Tree is a 4x93 I do not know the tree maker.

Saddle is in good shape. Well oiled and cared for with minimal wear. All stitching is in good condition.

Stirrup length is best for tall women or men. I’m 5’9 and on the shortest holes.

Comes with stirrups (Nettles from Buckaroo Business) and back cinch. I’ll be keeping the hobbles, front cinch and rope pictured.

Fits a horse with withers better than round, flat backed types.

Not interested in trades at this time. Additional pictures available. Willing to ship upon full payment. No payment plans.

Posted 08-31-24
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