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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: Shining Spark Bred Ranch Horse - Sorting - Broke #187036
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Paicines [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Colt
Color: Bay
Phone#: 831-537-1915

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Smarty’s Lil Shine is a 2019 AQHA Gelding that’s 15 hands. This boy has a phenomenal pedigree with some great Bloodlines going back to Shining Spark and Smart Little Lena. This is a kind extremely gentle boy. Shine is suitable for youth riders, beginner, husbands or novice. Shine is also handy enough for anyone who just wants a horse they can trust and never have to worry about. Shine was in reining training and he has all the talent you would want. The best part of this horse is his kindness and willingness. Shine rides low headed and very collected. He is fluid in all of his gates picks up the correct leads and a nice sliding stop. Shine also moves off leg cues, yields his hindquarters and has a perfect correct turn around. Shine is a horse that wants to be your best friend and will meet you at the gate. This boy has everything you would want in a horse and he is talented. Shine loves going out on the trail and will ride alone or in a group setting. He has gathered, branded,and sorted pairs he will do anything asked of him. He will go anywhere you ask on the trail up or down any trail, through thick brush, over logs, and cross deep creeks. Shine is very cowy and really wants to work. Shine has roped the sled and really has taken to it he would make a jam up rope horse. Shine is so quiet minded that nothing phases him. Shine has been around tarps, balls, flags and could care less about any of if. He has been over all the obstacles bridges, car wash, tires and handles them like a seasoned veteran. He has been ridden in town and is safe around traffic, bikes and pedestrians. He has a one of kind personality and will follow you like a dog, if he could he would fallow you in the house and sit on the couch and watch tv. This horse is a rare find that the entire family will enjoy. Shine clips, ties, bathes and hauls well. He is super easy to tack up and enjoys being groomed. Shine has zero bad habits and handles time off well retains his training and is eager to please. This is one of my personal favorites and I have enjoyed him so much. Shine will last a lifetime and will be the best you have ever owned. This fun boy is up for any challenge he could go to the show pin, sorting, ranch trail, play day horse and a superior trail companion. He is an absolute character he will grab water bottles and play with them pick up things off the ground and play he’s so much fun. This horse adores children he puts his head down and fallows them anywhere. He loads and hauls great and will run to you when out in the pasture not many horses have this personality. Shine is ready to become a part of the family! If you would like to come meet Shine or have any questions please contact Longhorn Ranch Dina 831-537-1915 Located in Paicines, CA.


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends September 8th, 2024

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