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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Bid at Auction: Ranch Mule Deluxe! Broke, Gentle, Family Safe! #186907
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Posted by: Platinum Equine [see other ads by this poster]
Price: For Bid At Auction
City: Bitterwater [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name: Platinum Equine Auction
Breed: Mule
Gender: Mare
Height: 14.2
Weight: 1100
Color: Bay
Registered With: NA
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,
Date Foaled: 1-1-2012
Phone#: 8315378746

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Birdie is a doll faced brown Molly mule standing 14.2 HH. Birdie is the epitome of safe! This sweet little mule is the prime age of 12 years old and has seen more miles than your Chevy pick up! Birdie has been used on a dude string in the high sierras and has packed everyone from beginners to grandmas! She is used to crossing squeaky bridges, rushing water, and never blinks an eye at critters out in nature! Birdie is as sweet as can be and loves attention. You can catch her in a 50 acre lot just as easy as a box stall! She has no “mareish” attitude and gets along with most every horse or animal she’s been out with. She doesn’t mind you touching her ears, face or all over her legs and body! She has great feet, doesn’t require shoes, and picks them all up with no issues. Absolutely no kicking, spooking, or funny business ever! She will stand quietly at the hitching post while being saddled and loads up in any trailer effortlessly. Birdie can sit for days, or months and never change her sweet demeanor. In the arena she is just as calm and relaxed as she is put on trail. She is a slower paced mule but will lope nicely both ways and has a great stop! She neck reins lightly and responses to ques softly. We have rode her all over the city streets, down beaches, and you will never get her to bock at anything. She has been exposed to practically everything and truly is safe for anyone! For more info please contact Cheyenne at 831-537-8746. She is located in Bitterwater, CA.


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Starting Bid $3500

Auction ends September 8th, 2024

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