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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

For Sale: Economy Heavy weight livestock panels- 5’ Tall #186585
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Posted by: RedRiverArenas [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 4,050-12,950
City: Coleman [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 3256254674

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Looking for a heavy livestock panel that doesn’t break the bank, this is the livestock panel for you. This HEAVY economy panel is one heavy panel! The only reason we call it an "economy" panel is because it does not have a shoe or cap on the panel leg, and the bars are pinch cut; compared to our "PH" series panel which features a heavier brace, saw cut bars, cap and a shoe. The PEH panel can be used for working cattle pens, horse stalls, roping arenas, and any high pressure areas. With the Economy Heavy Panel, truly getting a heavy weight livestock panel at an economy panel price.

The economy heavy panel has legs that are 1-1/2" round 14 gauge, features 6 pinch cut bars that are 1-1/2" round 14 gauge, and form fitted braces

Height - 5’

Length - 10’, 12’ or 16’

PEH (Heavy Economy) 6 Bars - 1-1/2" Round Tubing 14 ga.

Legs - 1-1/2" Round Tubing 14 ga.

(10’) 1 Braces - form fitted crimped brace

(12’) 2 Braces - form fitted crimped brace

(16’) 3 Braces- form fitted crimped brace

Chain Connection

Mud Leg - NO

Approx. Weight - 80 lbs (10’)

Approx. Weight - 96 lbs (12’)

Approx. Weight - 128 lbs (16’)

Key Features: Galvanized, Economy Heavy Round Pen

Primary Use: Roping Arenas, Round Pen, Working Pens, Permanent Livestock Pens, Horse Stalls, Cattle Working Pens

Call 325-625-4674 FMI



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