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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: Caddo - 3 Yr old 15.1hh Buckskin ApHC Gelding - Ideal All Around Horse! #184994
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Carthage [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name:
Breed: Appaloosa
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.1
Color: Buckskin
Registered With: ApHC
Disciplines: Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 619-655-2272

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Caddo is the type of young horse that is hard to find. He is undoubtably the whole package and the type of gelding you seek when looking for your lifetime dream horse. He has the kindest demeanor with a personality that never fails to be an absolute pleasure. He is absolutely honest and gentle in every way from handling him on the ground to being in the saddle. His stunning color, lightening leg markings, balanced conformation and strong bone structure draw attention everywhere he goes. He is an eyecatcher!

Though I could stare at him all day, looks are not Caddo’s only valuable feature. This young gelding is absolutely 100% gentle all the time anywhere he goes. Whether riding at home or in an unfamiliar environment he is always the same horse. He is not spooky or reactive to new things, in fact it’s nearly impossible to get him worked up or worried over anything at all. Caddo has outside time as well as arena time and is hauled to new places with us regularly along with being exposed to general ranch chaos on a daily basis. He is not easily shaken and is one of the quietest natured young geldings we have ever had the pleasure of having in our barn. We can also safely say that Caddo is no kind of bronc in any way. He is gentle through and through. He has never offered to buck, not even after sitting for several weeks. There is no snorty or watchy nature present here whatsoever.

Caddo has had a fantastic start in life that has prepared him to succeed in any direction you wish to take him. He is a beautiful mover with a flat and flawless stride at all gaits. The balance he portrays in his movement is really quite impressive. He is developing all of the tools necessary to succeed in the show pen. His jog and working trot are absolutely beautiful while he catches both leads at a lope smoothly with great transitions. He is naturally low headed and collects with ease. He wants to use his hind end and is starting to really stop. Caddo goes both english and western. He will excel in either discipline or be an ideal all around gelding!

If the show pen is not your forte and you prefer a different avenue Caddo will also excel as a wonderful trail partner or in any other aspect as well. He is trainable and willing. We have taken him on trail rides and have exposed him to quite literally everything. We have crossed water, asked him to navigate steep and rough terrain that has thought him how to be careful with his feet, he has pushed cattle and been around dogs, as well as seen wildlife jump up out of the bushes. He rides out alone without issue.

Caddo is 100% sound with no special needs or maintenance issues. His current diet is free choice alfalfa. He can be kept shod or barefoot and has a good foot. Caddo can be kept pastured or stalled. He is easy to catch in the pasture. Caddo ties quietly, enjoys baths and trailers well.

This young gelding is a superstar in every way and one that is sure to bring joy, personality and good looks to your barn! Whether you’re hunting a trail partner or a show pen partner he has the potential, mindset and looks to make your dreams come true.



*Final price will be determined on auction site*
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