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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Bid at Auction: Cuatro - 14 Year Old 15.1hh Black AQHA Gelding - Exceptional Ranch and Arena Horse #184993
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Price: For Bid at Auction
City: Ravenna [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Sale Name:
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.1
Color: Black
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Roping,Mounted Shooting,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 972-413-0402

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Meet Cuatro, an exceptional horse whose adventures span the rugged mountains of Wyoming and the scenic trails of North Texas. With a diverse skill set and an unflappable temperament, Cuatro is a true testament to versatility and reliability.

In the majestic Wyoming mountains, Cuatro has navigated steep inclines, rocky paths, and dense forests, showcasing his surefootedness and endurance. Whether leading through challenging terrains or exploring new trails, Quatro’s gentle demeanor ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride every time.

Cuatro’s talents also shine in the arena, where his impressive stop and backup, combined with one-hand neck reining, make him a standout. His calm, collected nature means that gunfire and excitement don’t faze him, making him a reliable partner in competitive settings. He was used in some amateur mounted shooting and handled it all like a seasoned pro.

On the ranch, Cuatro’s skills come to the fore. His gentle nature and calm attitude make him an invaluable asset, whether you’re working cattle or navigating ranch duties.

Cuatro’s versatility extends to hunting. He’s been used for packing elk in the Wyoming wilderness, showing remarkable strength and endurance. As a hunting horse, he’s proven his ability to handle the demands of the backcountry, making him the perfect companion for any hunting expedition.

Above all, Cuatro is known for his super, super gentle nature. Whether on the trail, in the arena, or out hunting, nothing bothers him. His friendly demeanor and unflinching calm make him a favorite among riders of all levels and a reliable partner in any adventure.

Cuatro isn’t just an amazing horse; he’s a trailblazer, a competitor, and a steadfast companion. Whether you’re exploring mountainous trails, competing in mounted shooting, working on the ranch, or embarking on a hunting expedition, Quatro is the perfect partner, making every moment an unforgettable experience.



*Final price will be determined on auction site*

Posted 07-21-24
779 visitors have viewed this ad

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