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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: 5 yr old ranch horse deluxe. Has been started out of the box. #184419
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Posted by: twombly [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 14000
City: Bayard [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 2019
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15
Weight: 1100
Color: Gray
Registered With: aqha
Disciplines: Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 3086721038

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5 year old gray gelding. Been used and ridden on the ranch. He has also been started roping out of the box. He is handy with a nice stop and a great turn around. He has been turned out for a bit a needs tuned up.

Located in western Nebraska. Can help with shipping.
Greedy Azure
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