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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Pasture For Lease: 5 acres grass pasture w shed, full care horse boarding SOLD #184396
Posted by: Echambers1 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 500.00 per horse / 2 max
City: Peyton [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: Peyton
Pasture Size: 5 acres
Carrying Capacity : 2 horses
Pasture Fence Type: Wood/slick wire
Forage Type: Grass
Water Type: Well
Date Available : 07/01/2024
Phone #: 7193066777

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Peyton, Colorado

Peyton Pines

5 Acres Horse pasture with Large Shed

Full Care only $600 a month per horse per month, 2 horses max, includes morning and evening feeding. Property owner on premises. Tack room and trailer parking.

15 minute ride from Homestead Park with horse trails. Neighborhood is rider friendly. 10 minute drive to Homestead Park. 15 minute drive to Latigo Equestrian Center.

No stallions

Grass/Alfalfa provided.

$20.00 fee to hold for farrier or Vet.

Blanket/sheet changes as necessary.

Fly Spray must be provided by horse owner, applied as needed. Shed has automatic Fly spray.

*other specialty needs can be addressed and cost assessment.

Horse owner provides grain/supplements.

Owner is experienced horsewoman, decades of showing, detailed care. References provided upon request.

Very relaxing, no drama location.

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