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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Semen for Sale: CG ALL POLLED 2259 #184363
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Posted by: sccircle [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 100
Bull’s Breed: Akaushi
Bull’s Name or Id#: n/a
Number for Sale: n/a
Bull’s Location: Weston, ID
Semen Shipping Point: Hoffman AI Logan, UT
Birth Weight: n/a
Weaning Weight: n/a
Yearling Weight: n/a
Phone #: 208-589-9988

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CG All Polled 2259 (AP276980) is the first HOMOZYGOUS polled purebred Akaushi stud produced at Christensen Genetics.

What does homozygous mean? Homozygous means that this bull will produce ALL POLLED calves, even when mated to horned cows.

See what I did there? As an added bonus, All Polled 2259 is a low birthweight, easy calving bull that is safe for use on heifers.

How confident am I in that?

ALL of our polled purebred Akaushi heifers at Christensen Genetics will be bred to All Polled 2259 for their first calves this year.

All Polled 2259 is also the ONLY homozygous polled purebred son of Sanban in the ENTIRE American Akaushi Association database.

This makes him an ideal outcross from existing polled Akaushi bloodlines, and a great option to breed your polled Akaushi heifers to, as well.

This authentic third generation CG prefix bull is a grandson of the one and only MarblingX 919: the HIGHEST marbling Akaushi donor on ACTUAL carcass ultrasound in the ENTIRE Christensen Genetics program.

Semen from All Polled 2259 is frozen at 40 million sperm cells per straw and is ready to ship from Hoffman AI in Logan, UT.

Call/text Seth at 208-589-9988, or visit to get some headed your way!
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