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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Summer 2025 On Site Weekend Barn Manager - Arizona #183775
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Posted by: casten [see other ads by this poster]
City: Show Low [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Weekend Managers
Employer: TEC
Salary: barter
Phone #: 3038770526

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WANTED: A mature experienced horse couple to live on-site at a premier boarding facility in Show Low, AZ for the Summer of 2025. Position is to work as Weekend Manager(s).

Must bring your own housing. Full LQ or RV hook-up provided with electric, water and sewer, internet and on-site laundry facility. Also offering space for up to 2 horses of your own full care board included.

We are looking for the right couple to join our team for the summer of 2025. This is an amazing opportunity to live in the AZ White Mountains with your horses next summer! We are located next to Sitgreaves National Forest with ample trail riding right out the gate, and the summer weather does not disappoint!

You would be surrounded by supportive staff and exceptional seasonal borders who are also here to enjoy everything the area has to offer.

We are offering an RV site with a breathtaking view of the forest, complete hookups, utilities, and internet. Additionally, we are offering full care accommodations for 2 horses, includes hay and or alfalfa.

In exchange, the chosen couple would be completely handling the stable on Saturday and Sundays including AM and PM feedings, stall cleaning, and turnout rotation. You would also be asked to occasionally lend a hand with small maintenance and repairs around the barns and property as needed. It is ESSENTIAL to have horse knowledge and handling experience. You must also be able and willing to operate a utility tractor and Bobcat.

We are a 35-stall facility which includes 4 barns and multiple turnouts. The property has high standards and is expected to be kept clean and tidy - all the proper equipment to do the job is available. This is a 6-month commitment May 1st through Nov 1st, and a great opportunity for a couple looking to get out of the AZ valley heat, or those who travel full-time in their own RV/LQ and want to settle somewhere for 6 months.

This is a barter position. RV site, utilities, (water, sewer, elec, internet, laundry facilities) plus full care horse space for up to 2 horses is provided.

For more information, please email me at or respond via this ad.


Carrie, Assistant Manager
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