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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Wrangler/Packer/Elk Hunting Guide - Wyoming SOLD #183433
Posted by: sballard [see other ads by this poster]
City: Cody [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: wrangler/packer/hunting guide
Employer: Seth Ballard/Elk Fork Outfitters
Phone #: 3076900566

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This is a job for one person who can help us with: day rides and summer pack trips in the Wyoming wilderness and hunting camp in the fall as a hunting guide. Our season is May through November; you need to be able to stay for the whole season.

Most of our time is spent 10 miles into the wilderness with no cell phone service for 4-10 days at a time.

We can teach you how we pack but you must have a solid foundation of horse experience, being able to saddle efficiently and correctly, ride at a walk, trot, and lope for long distances, and be able to take care of inexperienced guests on their horses. To be a guide, you must have experience hunting big game.

You should be able to lift and carry 50+ pounds and be willing to help with all aspects of outfitting including chores, loading hay, tack and equipment maintenance, irrigating, and light carpentry. Must have a valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle with current registration. Preferable that you have your own tack and gear.

We love what we do and are happy to work hard to make our camp a great place for ourselves and our guests. We are looking for someone with a similar attitude to join our small crew. Housing can be discussed.

Calls preferred. Please be prepared to provide references.

Seth Ballard (307) 690-0566

Wyoming Outfitter License #BG-047

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