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Texas Bullion Exchange

Pasture For Lease: Notice of Pending Sealed Bid Auction of State Land Lease in Huerfano County, Colorado SOLD #181465
Posted by: Statelandboard [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Starting bid $5,281.20 per Year
City: Walsenburg [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: Huerfano County
Pasture Size: 2053.50 Acres
Carrying Capacity : 270 AUM
Phone #: 719-589-2360


NOTICE is hereby provided that the State Board of Land Commissioners (“Board”) has authorized an auction for a lease on the following parcel of state trust land located in Huerfano County, Colorado:

Legal Description Meridian Township Range Section Acreage County

FP W2 6 29S 66W 17 317.50 Huerfano

E2 6 29S 66W 18 320.00 Huerfano

N2NE 6 29S 66W 19 80.00 Huerfano

N2NW & NWNE 6 29S 66W 20 120.00 Huerfano

W2SW 6 29S 66W 5 80.00 Huerfano

S2, S2NW, SWNE 6 29S 66W 6 343.50 Huerfano

LOT 1, E2, E2W2 6 29S 66W 7 524.00 Huerfano

W2NW, NWSW, S2NW 6 29S 66W 8 200.00 Huerfano

SENE, NESE 6 29S 67W 12 68.50 Huerfano

The above-described lease parcel will be auctioned for lease. The minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is $5,281.20 per year.

The publication of this Notice on April 22, 2024 begins a notice and public bid period during which sealed bids may be submitted to the Board. To be considered, sealed bids must be received by 4 p.m. on May 6, 2024 by the Board’s Southwest District Office located at 918 4th St. Ste. B, Alamosa, CO 81101.

Sealed bids must be submitted on the Board’s Agricultural Lease Application with a check for the $100 non-refundable application fee, a Resource Management Questionnaire and a separate check for the full amount of the first year’s rental bid, all with the agricultural grazing lease proposal.

The words “Sealed Bid for Bear Creek Ranch Auction” must be clearly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope. Sealed bids received via facsimile or electronic mail will not be considered.

Board staff will open the sealed bids at 10:00 A.M. on May 7, 2024 at the office of the Board, 918 4th St., Ste. B, Alamosa, CO 81101. This Bid Opening will be open to the applicants and to the public in general.

Participation in the bidding process does not create any rights for the winning bidder or anyone else participating in the bidding process.

Property Information:

Located approximately six miles southwest of Walsenburg, CO along Bear Creek Road (County Road 340), the State Land Board’s 2,053.50 acre Bear Creek Ranch features a property-wide livestock watering system, including seven stock tanks gravity fed by a 21,000 gallon storage tank. Water is supplied to the storage tank by a water well with a new 1.25hp submersible pump located in Section 12. There are numerous ponds throughout the Ranch and barbed wire fence bounds the property.

Location: Approximately 6 miles SW of Walsenburg, CO, east of Bear Creek Road

AUM’s: 270

Minimum Bid: $5,281.20 ($19.56 per AUM, Tier 1)

Lease Term: Seasonal

Improvements: Approximately 13 miles of boundary fence. Fences generally in good- fair

condition and routine inspection/repair will be required before livestock turnout.

Water: Water well with new electric pump, 21,000 gallon storage tank, new gravity fed PVC water pipeline, 7 stock tanks. Numerous ponds throughout the property.

Lessee is responsible for routine repair and maintenance of improvements during the term of the lease, including but not limited to; routine fence repair and well pump maintenance, etc. and is expected to complete the repair or maintenance without State Land Board assistance. If the improvement repair is above and beyond routine, lessee may reach out to the State Land Board for assistance.

Use of Property: Grazing

NOTE: The property is currently leased for hunting. The successful grazing lease applicant will need to communicate, and as needed, coordinate livestock activities with the hunting lessee.

Lease Additional Conditions: To be negotiated with the successful bidder.

Possession: Upon receipt of confirmation letter.

All leases will be “as is where is”. An agricultural lease for this property is not in effect.

For more information, please contact the Southwest District Manager at or William Woolston, Field Operations Manager, at Unsuccessful bidders will have the first year’s rental bid returned to them within 15 working days of the final approval of a lease application.

Online advertisement: Ranch World Ads 04/22/2024 to 05/06/2024

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