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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Trailers for Sale: 4 Horse Stock Combo MID TACK weekender Titan 07 SOLD #180125
Posted by: WlazyY [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $17,500.00
City: Minden [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Make: Titan
Model: Stock Combo
Year: 2007
Length: 30
Phone #: 308-470-0500

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2007 Titan Stock Combo!

4 horse slant with stud stall or 6 horse/ stock take out slants/ MID TACK air tight with bridle racks both sides 4 saddle racks comb cubby/ weekend package with air conditioning/ heat, insulated, and paneled, oak cabinets. Plexiglass behind horse and drop down windows x4 on head side.

8ft short wall/ queen bed/ clothing hanging, shoe box. CLEAN! Title in hand

Minden Ne 308.470.0500 call or text

Posted 03-19-24
1443 visitors have viewed this ad

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