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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: 38 ft. Aluminum Trailer SOLD #177659
Posted by: Russell.Stimmel [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $20,000.00
City: Aubrey [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Make: Southern Classic Mfg
Model: Horse Hauler
Year: 2001
Length: 38 ft long 7.8 feet wide
Phone #: 432-634-1402

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2001 Southern Classic Horse Trailer

2 stall gates up front, cut gate in the middle

Can fit 10 head, 9 a bit more comfortable

38 feet from hitch to end

28 feet on the floor, 7 foot 8 inch wide

Tack room has 5 saddle racks and plenty of bridle hooks, water system ready to go, spare tire included

Have hauled horses all over the country in this trailer Texas to Canada, New York to California and everywhere in between.

Trailer is solid, bones are solid, has been well maintained. As is condition.

Don’t haul horses like I used to, it is a nice rig!!

Posted 01-23-24
1557 visitors have viewed this ad

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