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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cows for Sale: 23 - Bred Sim/Angus cows - Partial herd reduction - Colorado SOLD #175379
Posted by: hotchkiss23 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $2700/choice or $2400/all
City: Hotchkiss [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Sim/Angus
Number for Sale: 23
Age: 10/ 8-10 yo and 13/ 3-7 yo
Avg. Weight: 1350?
Frame: 5,6,7
Bred To: Sim/Ang
Vaccinations: spring-ultra bac 8/cattle master gold 5fp
Horns: Polled
Sell Part or All: yes
Phone #: 970-778-7339

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Nice set of high altitude cows for sale. Reducing my herd. Most are bred for mid Feb to March calving. All preg checked on 10/31. There are 10 8-10 yrs old and 13 are 3-7 yrs old. They summer in the high country at 8500’. Good body condition, easy calvers, and good mothers. Bred back to Sim/Angus bulls. All or choice priced. You’re going to be buying pairs as well as breds now. 9 calves on the ground so far (2/12/24)

Posted 11-29-23
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