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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Looking for a ranch job. SOLD #168335
Posted by: Brodad [see other ads by this poster]
City: Na [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Yes
Exp. FeedLot: Yes
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: Yes
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Little
Room And Board: Yes
Phone#: 308-530-7997

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I’m 26 with a fiancé and a 2 year old son. Were looking for a place to call home. Not wanting a four-wheeler outfit. I can ride and rope. Work well with others and or by myself. My fiance does some equine massage therapy and is starting a new job from home but is no stranger to saddle up and help when needed. We come with 3 dogs one retired worker and 2 that I got a good handle on. We have 5 head of horses. One good riding mare that had a colt just a few months back. (We don’t plan on breeding her again.) Have little experience haying but I’m no stranger to learn. I’m a fast learner. I take care of stuff like it’s my own. Looking to stay in the sandhills or would consider western nebraska or eastern Wyoming. If I fit the bill to your outfit let me know and give me a call. Looking forward to talking with you. (I don’t have the best service if you can’t get ahold of me shoot me a text or a voice-mail and I’ll get back to you.)
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