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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Full time Ranch Hand - Utah SOLD #168259
Posted by: Cattle Ranch [see other ads by this poster]
City: NA [see other ads in this city]
State: Utah [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand
Employer: Cattle Ranch
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Included
Phone #: Email

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We are a high country desert ranch with summer mountain permits. Our primary operation is a cow calf herd. We are implementing a new heifer development program which will be a rotational grazing system on irrigated pastures. We put up our own horse and cattle hay. Must be able to operate tractors and equipment. Applicant must have 3-5 years experience with large herd numbers.

Must be able to perform a variety of day to day ranch tasks:

-Cattle production, handling (horseback)


-Hay production, equipment operation and maintenance


-Basic mechanic skills


-Pipeline and drinker maintenance.


-General ranch maintenance

Desired traits:

-Self motivated

-Team player



-Problem solver

-Great work ethic

-Positive attitude

-Ability to complete tasks

-Able to work alone and with others

-Strong and fit

Spring and fall will be long days.

Looking for someone who understands ranching as a lifestyle. Not close to town, limited cell service. Excellent benefits and long term opportunity for the right person.

Drug test and background check will be required. Please provide 3 work references, 2 personal references, and a photo with resume to :

Posted 07-01-23
6013 visitors have viewed this ad

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