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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Central OK Ranch Auction

Seeking Ranch Job: Ranch Couple seeking opportunity SOLD #168194
Posted by: Working.ranch.couple [see other ads by this poster]
City: WALL [see other ads in this city]
State: South Dakota [see other ads in this state]
Phone#: 505 712-3879
We are a small family of 3 currently living on a ranch near Wall South Dakota. My husband works full time for the ranch, and I help as and when needed, and care for our 5 year old daughter. Current responsibilities include but not limited to checking cows, feeding, checking and maintaining water troughs and floats, fixing fence, equipment maintenance, moving cattle to new pastures, processing, branding, and general care of the herd.

We are open to any location for the right long term opportunity - We are not afraid of hard work, are used to the farming lifestyle, and used to living in remote locations.

We are looking for a long term opportunity where we can build long term relationships with the owners, and become an integral and valued part of the team, where we can feel more like family instead of “just employees.” We had hoped to find that in our current position, but unfortunately we were misled.

We are ideally looking for a position with accommodation included as part of the package, however would be open to finding our own accommodation for the right opportunity. We would like to bring our 4 horses and dogs with us (dogs are well behaved around livestock). I currently do still have my small herd of 12 registered dairy goats – in an ideal situation I would like to keep them and bring them with me.

We moved here earlier this year from our home in Western New Mexico, where we had our own homestead on 12 acres in the mountains. We had livestock and raised and processed all our own meat and milked our goats daily and made cheese and soap. We are experienced in kidding out goats and do most of our own veterinary care for all our animals. We have a lot of horse knowledge and experience working with horses.

I am originally from England (I have dual US/UK citizenship) and moved to the States in 2014 to pursue a career in ranching – prior to that I worked for 10 years in Corporate Recruiting. I started in the US at a bison and cattle guest ranch running their programs and as a wrangler for a season, and have worked for private operations also. More information provided on my resume.

My husband had his own fire safety business in New Mexico, but prior to that he had a career working with horses – managing large horse farms and also transporting horses around the country. He is experienced in basic vehicle maintenance and repair, basic tractor/bobcat operation, can drive a trailer, and is familiar with electric fencing set up and operation, proficient chainsaw use, basic carpentry/plumbing/electric, and has some haying experience, although it was some time ago.

We are non smokers, and have clean backgrounds and current driving licenses. Resumes and references can be provided on request.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you.

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