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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: Eastern Oregon Border Collie/Kelpie Pups SOLD #167956
Posted by: High Desert Cattle Co. [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $500.00
City: Izee [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Cross Breeds
Age: TBD
Sex: Male
Temperment: Friendly
Size: Medium
Phone #: 541-377-0030

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Are we ever excited to show these border collies off to you! We’ve been wanting a set of puppies sired by our good dog Stoney for years. We finally got it done!!

These pups will be short haired, should be prick eared, strong to the head and have some power along with style.

Stoney has been M.T.‘s number one dog for the past 9 years. He’s semi retired now but is still an incredible dog. He’s border collie /kelpie and was sired by Jake Powers dog “Rock”. To those in the know……Rock has produced an unbelievable amount of top end dogs. Stoney is one of those. Stoney is a 100% finished, broke dog and has a ton of ability. He’s fast, athletic, supremely confident, and reads situations and cattle second to none. Stoney has tons of style and eye, but is strong to the head and bites with authority. Zero bark, tons of drive and a looker to boot. Short haired and prick eared. We have trialed Stoney and had success at numerous dog trials. More important to us though, is that he’s an exceptional outside dog that can handle all classes of cattle in big country.

The dam is our finished dog Lil. Lil is 4 years old (see her papers/pedigree in pics). Lil is a spectacular athlete, and a high drive dog with a lot of intensity. Huge outruns, tons of style, and Lil bites with authority! She’s a non barker and about the sweetest female you’ve ever seen. She’s extremely broke and lives to work and get loved on by people.

We believe these pups will be absolutely incredible. Lil is supposed to whelp on October 26th, 2023
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