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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: 5H x Kelpie SOLD #167642
Posted by: tjbillingsley [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 400.00
City: Mullen [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Kelpie
Age: 12 week
Sex: Male and female
Temperment: Working
Size: Medium
Phone #: 308-458-8096

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These dogs are everything you want in a COW dog! They work both ends of a cow, are gritty tough, go all day and cover country. The cross between these parents is proven to be good!

The 5H breed was developed by Scott Lithgow by crossing border collie, Australian cattle dog and just a little bull terrier. They are smart and heed commands and herd like a border collie, but have the bite and confidence of the Australian cattle dog and toughness of the bull terrier. 5H stands for the desired traits that he selected for while developing this breed which are heading, heeling, hardiness, heeding commands and herding.

We crossed this with a registered Kelpie and have been getting more independence out of the offspring. They are the dogs that you can send out of sight and they will do their job.

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