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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Looking for ranch hand position in Montana SOLD #164098
Posted by: 98Kleinsasser [see other ads by this poster]
City: Conrad [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Yes
Exp. FeedLot: Yes
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: No
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Yes
Room And Board: Yes
Phone#: 406-450-3045

Hello, my name is Bryan Kleinsasser. A little bit about me ... I’m 24 years old and I’m single. I don’t smoke and not a party person. I grew up on a farm and ranch (hutterite community) and have experience with calving, haying, fencing, riding horses, driving semi trucks, running heavy machinery. I have done multiple different jobs including construction, working in the oilfield, irrigation. I do like ranching though and hoping to make a career out of it. I am looking for a long term, full-time job (preferably with housing included). I’m honest and dependable and have a good work ethic. I work well with cows and I’m handy with machinery. I also have some experience with welding. If there’s any questions, maybe we can talk more about it over the phone or by email. My phone number is (406)450-3045. Email: Thanks!
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