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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Experienced Ranch Hand - Northern California SOLD #163555
Posted by: ap.cattleco [see other ads by this poster]
City: Gazelle-Callahan Rd., Gazelle, CA [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Experienced Ranch Hand
Employer: AP Cattle Co.
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Housing and Utilities
Phone #:

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We are looking for an individual, couple, or family to join us on our family owned ranch in the beautiful mountains of Northern California (about an hour south of the Oregon border). This is a year-round position, which requires someone who doesn’t mind living in a remote location through all seasons (about 40 minutes from Yreka, CA/30 Minutes from Etna, CA). This position includes housing (currently being updated) with utilities, salary (predicated on skills and experience), targeted 5.5 day work week schedule, 1 week paid vacation after 1 year and time off flexibility for appointments, etc. . . ., workman’s comp. insurance, raises based on performance and longevity, Christmas bonus, ½+ beef per year, company pick-up and trailer for all work use, unlimited firewood with equipment and work time allotted to cut for personal use, pasture/feed/shoeing for horses used for ranch work, etc. . . . We are family friendly and welcome you to include your spouse or children when appropriate and safe.

For the foreman/all around ranch hand position(s), we are looking for individuals who are honest, reliable, hard-working, handy, takes initiative/are self-starters, and are good stewards of our land, animals, and equipment. This is a smaller cow/calf operation, but work responsibilities include several non-cow/calf responsibilities including, but not limited to:

Prepping ditches and fields for flood irrigation: replacing headgates, repairing and clearing banks with the backhoe, cutting boards, cutting veins, repairing culverts, etc.

Daily flood irrigation management (April-Julyish)

Dragging fields

Spraying and and burning ditches

Operating and assisting with maintaining/minor repairs/servicing equipment (pickups, four-wheelers, tractors, backhoes, and related equipment)

Safely and prudently operate all ranch equipment

Building, repairing, and maintaining fences

Hauling and loading hay

General ranch maintenance and upkeep

Cow/calf related duties:

(We normally run spring and fall groups, but currently only have a fall group consisting of approximately 250 pairs and calve August - November and normally ship in June.)

Overseeing herd health: identifying sick animals, roping, and doctoring

Calving: identifying and documenting pairs, tagging, administering shots, banding, monitoring health of calves/cows, etc. . . .

Sorting, processing, and shipping

Pasture management utilizing rotational grazing

Monitoring and distributing salt and mineral supplements

Feeding cattle (November-April-ish)

Monitoring and ordering doctoring/herd health and other ranch supplies

Etc. . . .

Foreman Specific Responsibilities: Overseeing the small haying operation and all aspects of cow/calf operation and ranch, managing 2-4 employees, monitoring and ordering doctoring/herd health and other ranch supplies, etc. . . .

Required skills:

Low stress cattle management experience

Horsemanship & roping experience

Excellent tractor/backhoe operation skills

Flood irrigation experience

Light mechanical/repair/building skills

Ability to work cattle with both horses and four-wheelers.

Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license.

Excellent time management, organization, and communication skills

Preferred Skills:

Wheeline irrigation knowledge/experience

Haying and haying equipment operation and maintenance knowledge/experience

General maintenance, building, electrical knowledge

Welding and fabrication

Preg checking

Spring Development

Interested applicants should email their resume and 2-3 professional references to (subject line: Ranch Foreman/Experienced Ranch Hand position). Please feel free to include in your email any additional materials or information that highlight your skills and experience in the above listed areas. We look forward to hearing from you!

(For more pics/videos of the ranch, check out @tntcattleco on instagram)
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