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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand - Oklahoma SOLD #163528
Posted by: Plummer [see other ads by this poster]
City: Sand Springs [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand/Colt Starter
Employer: PPH Ranch
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Room
Phone #: 918-639-8784

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We are a performance horse ranch that specializes in team roping. We are looking for a single individual to start colts, put 30-60 days. Work with weanlings standing tied, leading, feet etc. Mostly Riata Buckle babies. We added another area to our program last year. Broodmares and babies. If you are interested in a ranch hand/ barn help/caretaker/ colt starting/ breeding program contact me. This job is not just mare and babies. The actual breeding season is short. We provide housing, paid utilities, internet, ranch truck, beef and partial insurance benefits plus 401k after 90 days and a salary. We are located outside of Tulsa, OK.

If interested text 918-639-8784

Posted 06/27/24

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