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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand - Colorado SOLD #163489
Posted by: Art Guttersen [see other ads by this poster]
City: Kersey [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand
Employer: Double Check Cattle Company
Salary: Negotiable
Room & Board: Negotiable
Phone #: 970-353-6666

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Double check cattle company is located 15 miles south of Kersey, CO is looking for a full time single ranch hand that is capable of working well with a team or on his own.

The individual should be clean and organized with experience working horse back, this is not a strictly cowboying job but we do use strictly horses for working cattle.

Ideal candidate should have the following skill set.

-Basic understanding of rotational grazing.

-Identify sick cattle on pasture.

-Proficiently rope and doctor calves on pasture with minimal running.

-Low stress stockmanship.

-Basic colt starting experience.

-Basic understanding of fixing water lines/ water tanks.

-Attention to detail while checking water, mineral, fence, checking oil in machinery, ect…

-Maintaining barbed wire fence as well as electric high tinsel fence.

-experience calving

-Common sense…

Benefits to this job include:

Feeding 2 head of horses.

(Geldings ONLY and hoof care is your own responsibility).

The possibility of being on a ranch rodeo team in the summer months.

Beef is provided.

Saturday afternoon and Sunday off. (With some exceptions)

Newer ranch trucks, new UTV’s, four wheelers, new trailers and all the tools you should need to do your job provided.

Housing provided.

Pay is negotiable depending on experience. Pay is above industry standard.

References and experience required

Please call 970-353-6666 for questions or more information regarding the position or email resume to

Posted 03-17-23
2257 visitors have viewed this ad

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