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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Central OK Ranch Auction

Trailers for Sale: 2023 Wyatt 6x22’ w/ slant tack SOLD #162837
Posted by: Flag Ranch Enterprises [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $24,418.00
City: Colorado City [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Make: Wyatt
Model: 22-SGT6
Year: 2023
Length: 22’
Phone #: 325-728-5207

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2023 Wyatt 6’x22’

Double door slant tack w/ swing out racks

17.5" wheels with 16 ply tires (5)

Cleated floor

Electric jack

Combination sides

Standard Features -

4"x2" rectangular tubing frame

2" cross members on 12" centers

3"x1" side planks

10 gage brush fenders

Cable quick hitch

1" air gap

LED cargo lighting

LED backup lights

PPG auto paint

4’ escape door

Any style partition gates

Any style tailgates

More pictures and videos on FB and IG @flagranchenterprises

Check out our other listings on ranchworldads and call for current inventory

Wyatt trailers on order at all times, delivery available anywhere

Calls only please


Morgan Bassham


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