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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

For Sale: ABI P50 PTO Driven Manure Spreader SOLD #161766
Posted by: JaimeBarton [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $4,800.00
City: Steamboat Springs [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 315-783-9033
The ABI 50 cuft PTO Driven manure spreader is ABI’s smallest PTO compact platform manure spreader. This 4-speed Power Take Off (PTO) driven spreader can be pulled with a sub-compact or compact tractor is ideal for farms with up to 8 horses. With ease of use, serviceability, and safety already built-in by design, the ABI Classic Spreader offers standard features such as 12-gauge COR-TEN steel, fully welded box frame construction, 4-speed variable flow control, 2 beaters for both inline shredding and spreading, a protective box liner, and poly-lumber flooring. From the ground up, the ABI Classic Manure Spreader is truly a superior spreader for hobby farms and horse stables.

It’s dusty from sitting in the hay barn but she works great.

$6300 new asking 4800

Posted 02-03-23
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