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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

For Sale: Save 10% off all panel and gate packages + FREE SHIPPING SOLD #161564
Posted by: RedRiverArenas [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $79+
City: Coleman [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 800-343-1026

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All panel and gate packages are 10% off for the month of February, 2023. Discount will show up in the cart, not on the website. Call 800-343-1026 FMI or visit our website:

PG Series- sheep and goat panel. Available in 48" tall and 10’ long.

PL Series- Light weight livestock panel- Available in 5’ tall and available in 10’, 12’, and 16’ long. 18 gauge panel

PM Series- Medium weight livestock panel- Available in 5’ tall (10’, 12’, and 16’ long) and 6’ tall (10’, and 12’ long). 16 gauge panel

PH Series- Heavy weight livestock panel- Available in 5’ tall (10’, 12’, and 16’ long) and 6’ tall (10’, and 12’ long). 14 gauge panel

PBT Series- EXTREME Heavy weight livestock panel- used for cattle working facilities, working pens, buffalos, etc. Available in 6’ tall in 10’ and 12’ length. 13 gauge panel

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