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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Colt Starting Horse Training: One Feather Horse Training - New Mexico SOLD #150343
Posted by: Ellsworth [see other ads by this poster]
City: Portales [see other ads in this city]
State: New Mexico [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 575-825-9982
Specialty: Getting them gentle!

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One Feather Trading Company is once again taking in outside horses in for training! Limited spots available!!! $1,500 each for 45 days, owner provides feed. 90 days minimum for colts to be started. Can take in multiple horses depending on available spots. Can adjust price at a discount if multiple months and/or multiple horses and depending on what is needed for the horse(s).

If you have a horse you are wanting to sell, One Feather can also take in horses on commission. He will work/ride/tune up your horse until sold, owner provides feed. Commission is paid once sold.

We do have contracts for both parties. Horses must be current on coggins.

Located in between Portales & Dora NM!!!!

For any questions, call or text One Feather at 575-825-9982

One Feather Trading Company is on FACEBOOK and Instagram (of_tradingcompany)

We take CASH, CARDS, PAYPAL OR VENMO for payments!!

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