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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

Seeking Ranch Job: Looking for ranch work this summer SOLD #146784
Posted by: willd. [see other ads by this poster]
City: College Station [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Some
Exp. Yearlings: No
Exp. FeedLot: No
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: No
Exp. Doctoring: No
Exp. Calving: No
Exp. Haying: No
Room And Board: Required
Phone#: 512-298-7288

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I知 a freshman at Texas A&M looking to spend my summer working anywhere in Texas or the West (Idaho preferred). A job in the Texas hill country would be preferred, but I知 willing to go anywhere.

I知 a green hand, but I知 a quick learner and a hard worker. I have good experience with horses, and recently bought my first gelding. I知 currently learning to rope and have been around cow-calf operations quite a bit. As my experience is limited, I知 approaching this opportunity as a chance to learn and get into ranching. In other words, I知 not expecting anything special salary-wise; just want to get my foot in the door and spend time with those who know what they池e doing.

I致e spent a ton of time in the outdoors through hunting, fishing, and camping, and I知 most happy and motivated working and living outside. I知 strong and can walk/ride all day. If you致e got a feral hog problem, I値l be glad to assist in solving it, as well.

Feel free to call or text, anytime. My number is listed above.

Posted 03-04-22
2863 visitors have viewed this ad

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