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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Farm/Ranch Position. Hard Working and looking to expand.. SOLD #145884
Posted by: [see other ads by this poster]
City: Oak Hill [see other ads in this city]
State: Ohio [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Yes
Exp. FeedLot: Yes
Exp. Horse: Some
Exp. Roping: No
Exp. Doctoring: No
Exp. Calving: No
Exp. Haying: Yes
Phone#: 7408587312

This message is hard for me to write... but these words have been with me for a long while now. So I figure, it’s about time I share them.

In this ad, you won’t find the most experienced cowboy there is. I’m not a seasoned roper or wrangler. I’ve never been a ranch foreman. In fact, I’ve spent the last ten years or so largely removed from that kind of life... So if that’s the level of experience you’re looking for, I don’t have it yet.

Who am I then?

The son of a lower/middle class family in Appalachia, I was raised with a love of all things country. I drove the tractors, milked the cows, planted the fields, and did all the things rural folks do.. but it was never enough. I wanted more of that way of life.

By the time I was 19, I had a burning desire to continue my education in all things farm/ranch related and decided to pursue a life out west. It was then that I found this website. Yep, many years ago I stuck an ad on here hoping to find work and the way of life that I felt called to.

And the calls did come in... I got calls to come work from all over: Montana, Nebraska, Utah, ect... But then something happened. I met a nice, goodly and Godly, lady in Kentucky. At that time she was ROOTED to her state. I loved her. We married, had children, and stayed in Appalachia - First in KY, then the hills of Ohio.

She always kinda figured that my desire to move out west (preferably Wyoming/Montana territory) was just a boyish dream that would fade away... But it never did.

Now, in my thirties, I know three things for certain: 1. It wasn’t just a passing dream. Even with maturity, my heart is still in one place and it isn’t here. 2. My spouse now wants to be a part of that dream. 3. One way or another, we will accomplish those dreams.

I realize this is a long and somewhat unusual post and I’m curious if the admin will even send it through...

In summary: My ultimate goal is to live a way of life that so many of you hold dear so that I can pass it on to my children as well. There aren’t enough of us. The way of life that I speak of is becoming more rare but it lives inside of me and has for a very long time... So if you know of any employment...(preferably jobs in the Wyoming or Montana area) Even ones that aren’t necessarily farming related, if they pay decent and can help us at least get out there, that would be a start!

One note about the type of work I’m looking for: I’m not a fresh out of school, single individual anymore. I am experienced in life and have a family to support. So with that being said, I am looking for a position with a pay range of at least $40,000 or more per year. But for this, you will get an educated individual with Management experience who is not a complete stranger to farming.

Technically speaking (skill set wise):

- Most recently I was an AG equipment Sales Manager in West Virginia. My major is in Business Management and I do know a thing or two about that. I have certifications in Financial Planning, Small Business Management, and Administration. Obviously from my youth, I also have an AG background.

- In addition, my spouse has an Animal Science degree, practices as a vetrinary technician, and is familiar with animal husbandry.

Personally Speaking:

- I fear God. Think of that what you will, but I’ll leave it hear.

- I don’t fear hard work. And I don’t believe that you’ll find anybody who can work harder than I can.

Let me know your thoughts on all of this... And most of all. Thank You for your time and consideration.


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