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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Young Farm Hand / Farm Foreman trainee / Equine Therapist trainee - Oklahoma SOLD #145850
Posted by: RanchPros [see other ads by this poster]
City: SW [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Farm hand / Foreman Assistant trainee
Employer: Rockin Bar B Performance horses
Salary: Internship / Riders Commission
Room & Board: Provided
Phone #: 405-317-9179

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New equine business is looking to hire a farm hand / Forman Assistant trainee, to help on a small equine training farm in SW Oklahoma, on an intern bases. Room and board will be provided. Commissions paid to rider (you) once horse is sold.

Rockin Bar B Performance Horses & Cattle co. Along with RanchPros Equine Therapy & Sales is looking for someone young that loves working with or dreaming of working with horse on every phase, that has some horse riding/care experience. Duties include: a variety of daily farm duties, riding and working new colts along with tuning older horses. Tractor work, group rides, etc.

Must be dependable, self starter, motivated, willing to learn, have a current DL and a dependable vehicle, clean, be cowboy or cowgirl, be good with people, have horse experience, clean criminal record, good work ethics and able to work on an internship bases through training and or until proven as a fulltime hand/therapist. You will then be training to be the foreman assistant of the farm and be on the payroll. You will be allowed to bring your own horse if you choose, feed and boarding will be provided at farm (no studs) Farm hand will stay in bunkhouse and meals will provided by farm.

This is a ground floor opportunity for the right cowboy OR cowgirl. We have just begun working on the farm...building covered stalls, working pens, round pen, bunkhouse, arena riding area, fencing etc. We will be buying ranch type horses to train and resale, we plan to attend performances equine events to offer equine respiratory therapy (equine nebulizer treatments) to the competitors for their will be training to be a therapist too.

For faster reply contact Mike at 405.317.9179 or email to

Posted 02-11-22

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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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