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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Green Ranch Hand Looking to get started FL SOLD #145792
Posted by: KamTrax99 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Englewood [see other ads in this city]
State: Florida [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: some
Exp. Horse: some
Exp. Calving: some
Exp. Haying: some experience, mostly w/ pivoting
Room And Board: preferred
Phone#: 448-488-8660

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Hi all,

My name is Kameron. I知 22 years old, I live in the SW Florida area and I am looking for a ranch to get hired on to. I am the real definition of a beginner. I have some experience with calving, pivoting/haying etc, but I wont pretend its an extensive knowledge. I知 looking for a place willing to take a chance on hiring a guy with his eyes set on learning the trade in every way he can. I知 not going to try and sell myself like I am the most prized item, I know someone without a lifetime of experience isnt the most sought after.

I will be straightforward and say that I do not have any glamorous ideas of ranch work. I know the hours can be long and it isn稚 a blockbuster western movie. I知 trying to get my foot through the door, learn everything I can, and work hard as hell.

I知 looking to stay in FL, primarily in the southwest area in between Ft Myers, Sarasota, Arcadia, Tampa, Lakeland, Ocala, Okechobee, etc. I will consider anywhere within Florida though, depending. Beggers can稚 be choosers.

Thank you for your time

(440) 488-8660
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