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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Looking for Ranch Work SOLD #145709
Posted by: Budman94 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Eureka [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 5 years
Exp. Yearlings: Willing to Learn
Exp. FeedLot: N/A
Exp. Horse: 5 years
Exp. Roping: N/A
Exp. Doctoring: Willing to Learn
Exp. Calving: 5 years
Exp. Haying: N/A
Room And Board: With the Position
Phone#: 6503358345
I’m a Farrier in Eureka, California, looking for ranch work. I have five years of ranch work experience with building/repairing fences, feed/stall upkeep, feeding/working cattle, acquiring horsemanship skills, and other daily chores for up keeping a ranch. I am completely setup/outfitted for mobile farrier work. I have my own tack, tools, and gear. Would need room and board to be part of the job. Looking for work within Montana and Wyoming. I can be contacted at (650) 335-8345-cell, or via email at
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