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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Heeler x Collie Pups - Ready for Christmas SOLD #143210
Posted by: borderplaines [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $400.00
City: LEHIGH [see other ads in this city]
State: Iowa [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Heelers Red/Blue
Age: pups
Sex: m.f
Temperment: Social and outgoing
Size: medium
Phone #: 515-570-4175

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Working, companion, or agility. Heeler / Collie x pups out of AKC Red Heeler female and Border Collie male. This was a planned litter to fulfill a request for this versatile cross.

This male is the last of our line of exceptional working collies off of the Voss ranch in NE Kansas. These dogs were gritty, smart, and very talented dogs who handled all manner of livestock, and were exceptionally family friendly. Pups from his previous litters in working and family homes in California, Louisianna, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Missouri, and several states in between

The female is a well-bred AKC registered ACD "heeler" out of working dogs, and she herself will work whatever she is asked to handle.

Pups will be ready to go 12.23.21, and deposits are being accepted to reserve.

Males and females available. Please contact us for additional information. Thank you for looking.

SPECIAL CONSIDERTION to 4-H and working homes.

Posted 12-05-21
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