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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: McNab x Kelpie Pups-SOLD SOLD #143197
Posted by: Dirtyfarmdog [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $700.00
City: Vanvouver [see other ads in this city]
State: Washington [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Cross Breeds
Age: 8
Sex: M/F
Temperment: Social
Size: Med
Phone #: 503-936-8265

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Sire Purebred Mcnab,

Dam fawn Kelpie ( 1/8 Border Collie)

Born October 28th 2021

Ready Dec 20th 2021

Repeat breeding,

Previous litter high drive, excellent for working dogs competitive sports,

Scent detection,agility/Frisbee.EMBARK DNA tested, Microchips wormed and vaccinated two-year health guarantee. these pups are well socialized on my farm.

*Litter is nomograph tested to see when the best time to vaccinate.

I am currently screening for puppies now, please EMAIL me for more information!

Thank you!!

Any scammers or spammers do not attempt. . NO Cashiers Checks

Posted 12-04-21
3253 visitors have viewed this ad

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