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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: Border Collie x Hangin’ Tree Cowdogs SOLD #143178
Posted by: Virgil Kropf [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $500.00
City: Red Bluff [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Cross Breeds
Age: 9 Weeks
Sex: male and female
Temperment: excellent
Size: medium
Phone #: 530-737-8780

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With being Border Collie/Hanging Tree cross you get the best of both worlds with a border collie eye and hanging tree grit! We have bred this cross multiple times and couldn’t be happier with the way they turn out. They are 100% cowdogs and have a serious bite on both head and heels. I have 4 females and 1 male available. Note:Although we have bred this cross multiple this litter was a accident. We are not planning to breed this female again in the future as she is getting older and we want to give her a big break. I am planning on going to Colorado the last of January and would be happy to bring a pup with me for someone.

Call or text Virgil @ 530-737-8780

Posted 12-03-21
3059 visitors have viewed this ad

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