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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Blue Heeler Pups SOLD #141846
Posted by: Crazybull [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $500.00
City: Ringwood [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Heelers Red/Blue
Age: 6 weeks
Sex: malel/Female
Temperment: Assertive
Size: medium
Phone #: 580-278-1197

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The Crazy Bull Ranch is proud to offer for sale Blue Heeler puppies. This litter was born September 16th, 2021 and will be ready for their new homes starting November 13, 2021. These happy and healthy pups are out of our own working dogs on site. They have been vet checked, received their first set of shots, have been dewormed, have had their tails docked & dewclaws removed. Additional pictures and pictures of pups & parents available upon request. Pups are located in Ringwood Oklahoma. To purchase your Blue Heeler pup contact Mike Terry at 580-278-1197 or Pic #1 & Pic #2 are females, Pic #3 dad, Pic#4 Mom

I am not a dog. I am a Heeler. I’m half wolverine, half barb wire and all attitude. I am either your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on YOUR attitude. I can herd the wildest cows or the gentlest sheep with equal determination. I can work all day in snow storms, pouring rain or blistering heat and then ask you to throw the ball when we get done. I will argue with you at every turn. After all, I know what I’m doing and the best way to getter done. I am easy to feed. I will eat your steak or the dead, rotten gopher I found in the field. You will never be without a navigator in the truck. I will protect you from burglars, grizzly bears, badgers, that mean bull, and that strange shadow in the corner of the barn. I will hog the bed and the couch. I will steal your sandwich, your chair, your boot and your heart. You will never have to go to the bathroom alone. I will lick your face right after I eat fresh cow crap. I will sleep next to you with my love. I am a Heeler. Respect me…Love me…but NEVER underestimate me.

Posted 11-01-21
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