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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Kelpie Cross Puppies SOLD #141788
Posted by: SaddleTrampLeatherworks [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $250.00
City: Princeton [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Kelpie
Age: Puppies
Sex: Both
Temperment: Family friendly with a work ethic
Size: Mid size
Phone #: 805-801-9960

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Puppies born 9/22 out of our male Kelpie and our female border collie/shag. They look kelpie/border collie and do not show any of the shag. This is a proven cross that is the perfect combination of family dog and cow dog. We have had this cross 3 times before and each time, they turn out the same reliable yet friendly cow dogs. Dogs out of this litter are already being started on small stock. These ones show interest also.

The dad is a 40lb strong head dog that will work the drag if that’s his only option. He has a lot of eye and bite, his work ethic is second to none. He doesn’t discriminate on cattle size, he loves to work them all.

The mom is about 45lbs with a great work ethic, will work both ends, and thrives on yearlings.

They are all females.

Please text or email for more information. We get no cell service at home so I likely won’t get your call unless you leave a voicemail.
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