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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Red Male Australian Cattle Dog Puppy (Red Heeler) SOLD #141784
Posted by: [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 1000
City: Fairview [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Heelers Red/Blue
Age: 16 weeks
Sex: Male
Temperment: Family Friendly, Alert, High Drive
Size: Breed Standard
Phone #: 5806033602

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Red Male Australian Cattle Dog Puppy (Red Heeler Puppy) available for sale, located in Oklahoma. AKC registered. BAER tested. All shots given. Family reared. Exposure to cattle & goats. Has the drive to work!

He went trick or treating downtown! Friendly with everyone, scary costumes don’t bother him! This breed is not for everyone, they can be medium/high drive, need a firm hand & a job to be happy. This puppy is 16 weeks old, he will be completing a 1 week board and train program for basic obedience to touch up on his manners and his price will reflect this. Available starting 11/9/21
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