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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: Blue Lacy Male SOLD #141460
Posted by: djsorens2 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $800.00
City: Escalante [see other ads in this city]
State: Utah [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Blue Lacy
Age: 12 months
Sex: Male
Temperment: Eager
Size: 30-40 lbs
Phone #: 805-698-5993

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Blue Lacy intact male named Sire.

He’s becoming a solid dog. He follows commands to “Get Ahead” and “Push Em”. He comes well, hunts decent. Still working on “Hunt Em Up”. Will stay within 100 yards otherwise. Been going with me 3 times a week for 5 months.

He’s got a lot of nose and a ton of drive. I haven’t seen him tired yet.

I have too many project dogs at the moment. Trying to cut back in the dog food bill. He’s going to be a great dog. He’s an amazing companion as well.

Never run a shock collar on him. Loads in the trailer well.

Call or text with any questions.

Posted 10-22-21

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