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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand Caretaker - California SOLD #134537
Posted by: CantrelleCattle [see other ads by this poster]
City: Mariposa [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand Caretaker
Employer: Cantrelle Ranch LLC
Salary: Depends on Experience
Room & Board: Housing 2 bed 1 bath
Phone #: 559-232-6998

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All aspects of work on a cattle and horse ranch. Check livestock, feed, check fences, build fences and corrals, process cattle, work with horse from foals to aged horses, help with training rope horses and reined cow horses, routine maintenance, check and repair water systems, recognize and doctor sick animals, must have extensive knowledge of caring for cattle and horses. This is not a management position.

If interested in just being a caretaker we would consider providing housing in exchange for roughly 40 hours per month of work in exchange for housing. Duties would include feeding a caring for horses, dogs, cats, chickens and some cows normally when we are gone and some light upkeep of the property. You must have extensive knowledge of horses and cattle and the ability to identify sick animals.

Posted 05-01-21
4073 visitors have viewed this ad

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