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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand - Central Oregon SOLD #134176
Posted by: marlachy [see other ads by this poster]
City: Post [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch hand
Employer: Aspen Valley Ranch
Phone #: 541-410-3605

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Looking for a hardworking, capable and reliable employee for a cow/calf operation 30 miles east of Prineville. We run cattle from the Crooked River valley to the summit of the Maury Mountain forest. Seeking seasonal irrigation and general ranch employee responsible for maintaining large scale irrigated pasture and operating and maintaining all associated equipment. Must be a self starter. Irrigation, tractor, and cattle experience preferred, but willing to train. Strong opportunity to advance to year round employment for the right person.

Job Responsibilities:

-Operate and maintain irrigation systems: flood, wheeline, handline

-Support haying operation

-Support cattle operation as needed

-Support infrastruture projects: ponds, fencing etc

-Able to work independently

Housing, electricity, beef provided. Competitive salary and generous performance bonus at end of season. Valid driver’s license required.

To respond call Jim at 541 410 3605.

Posted 04-22-21
4015 visitors have viewed this ad

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