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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Fall Round Up Horse Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Reliable Help - Wyoming SOLD #123509
Posted by: Richard Leavitt [see other ads by this poster]
City: Wright [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand
Employer: Cattlecorp LLC
Salary: Negotiable
Room & Board: Housing provided
Phone #: 307-214-2200

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If you are reliable, and looking for a good career, and a nice place to work and live please respond. All around general ranch duties you must be able to work and handle all facets of day to day ranch work. You must be able to think on your own, and know what needs to be done, plan what needs to be done and do it. You need to have experience with cattle husbandry, cow/calf pairs, doctoring, haying, irrigation, stock wells, machinery, equipment operation, fencing, mowing lawns Keeping things orderly and picked up and put away. Competitive pay, housing and utilities are provided. If you are qualified please email a resume to:

or call


Posted 07-15-20
7679 visitors have viewed this ad

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Fall Round Up Horse Sale

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